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Ways to Keep Children Entertained at Weddings

By October 9, 2019July 12th, 2020Children

If you are inviting children to your wedding, it is only fair to provide entertainment to keep them busy and encourage them to mingle with other children. Not only should this lessen children cries but the parents will be free to relax and enjoy your day more. Here is a list of ways to keep children entertained at weddings.

Outdoors Cocktail Hour

Disposable cameras for children to become mini photographer, layout games like hopscotch, (giant) connect4 or bowling, design a treasure hunt for children to go looking for items to tick off their list, the list is endless.

Have a few boxes full of entertainment that children can go and play with throughout the day – think DIY and affordable and the list will become endless.

Check out selling pages on social media to pick up some bargains or ask friends to bring along a few pieces, they’ll be more than happy to help to keep their children happy!

For the older children: jigsaws, board games, card games, karaoke system or just a chill-out area with places to charge their phone/iPad.

Indoors Cocktail Hour / Reception

For the younger children: Crayon and paper, shape board games and a mini sensory area – think bubble machine, lava lamps, fabrics of all different textures and just have fun with it.

For the older children: jigsaws, board games since as monopoly, Guess Who etc, I spy treasure hunt, if you have room, what about a karaoke system.

Stay in Theme

Think of arts and craft designs; create a wedding dress, make cards for the bride and groom, design a mask for the photos or for the photobooth.

Activity Pack

Children activity book

Find free wedding printables online and use them as placemats for the children to stay entertained, with a pot of crayons to use. Add some bubble pots, toys and sweets to the mix.

Have a snack bar

Weddings are long days with equally long gaps between food. Children eat little and often so to keep them happy it would be ideal to have a children height table with fresh fruits, water/juice bottles, yoghurt etc so the little ones can snack throughout the day.

Now if the budget allows you to, you can go BIG with ways to keep children entertained at weddings:

A Movie Room

But you will need an adult or two to man this. Now, this can really only happen away from the noise so you will need to set up in a quiet area for the movie. Add pillows and cushions, blankets, beanbags, kiddie chairs, snacks, drinks, and pop on a movie. Great idea for when the children are tired and need a nap.

Buy a mini projector, a big white sheet to screen your film – preferably a Disney film that caters for all ages.

Hire a Few Video Game Console

This may have the adults involved too so be warned. Use your old consoles or hire them in and watch children young and old have fun for hours.

Hire Professional Entertainments

Balloon creators or childminders – they will look after your child during the wedding. Think nursery/creche, you sign them in and sign them out when you’re leaving, providing them with entertainment to keep them happy throughout the day.

Hire a Kids photobooth

All you need are dress-up items and photo props. Watch them have so much fun being different characters in the booth. Definitely, one for the books when to use when they are older.

Annette Wilhelm


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